Hello! ♡
Apologies for the amount of words below lol.
I have a lot to say!

This is currently a side blog for vent art
Do not repost my art.
Reblogging anything I post is always fine, even without similar mental illness/issues.
I'm 22 & have what I think is best described, at this point, as secondary structural dissociation (worth a Google if you aren’t familiar with the terminology imo).I have a diagnosis for c-ptsd, bpd, dpdr (my dissociative tendencies are a constant issue for me + one of the largest parts of my overall distress, it was clinically significant beyond the cptsd and bpd, but is a touch away from the cluster of disorders I’m diagnosed with being better described by a different dissociative disorder, if you care at all lol)
& adhd. I’ve had an adhd diagnosis since I was 6 and recently began proper treatment for it after it was severely mismanaged for years.
I have a lot of issues with accepting my emotions / emotional vulnerability,
this blog has been really helpful in that regard.
I do not feel like this, to this degree, all of the time. A lot of the time I’m (as mentioned previously) quite dissociated from this more emotional state, which is where a lot of this art comes from.
Please do your best to not self invalidate when looking at my posts,
if you struggle with that, I do too.
I'm very very supportive of individuals who are self-dx.
Stop shitting on self diagnosis.
People faking/whatever else aren’t going to be the ones who hear you.
It’s the people who need help who are going to take it to heart.

(Being crushed constantly by trauma related feelings isn't normal, and adequate trauma-related mental care is hard to find. I was self-dxed for almost a year thinking it was only bpd before seeing a professional. Being afraid of / unable to access help is okay, I was!! You are valid & deserve help even if your dx actually ends up being something else or multiple things. I love you!!!)

My messages are always open!!